Tuesday, November 17, 2015

God directs, we serve (www.nanettevictoria.com)

Dear Lord, cause us to be the pure messengers of love today. Let us decide only joy, peace and love to come to us today. For as we follow you others will naturally desire to do the same. We can do all things through you Lord. You live and breathe in us and we have our being in you! Eternally "I AM" .

A Course in Miracles
Lesson 324
I merely follow, for I would not lead.
Father, You are the One Who gave the plan for my salvation to me. You have set the way I am to go, the role to take, and every step in my appointed path. I cannot lose the way. I can but choose to wander off a while, and then return. Your loving Voice will always call me back, and guide my feet aright. My brothers all can follow in the way I lead them. Yet I merely follow in the way to You, as You direct me and would have me go.
So let us follow One Who knows the way. We need not tarry, and we cannot stray except an instant from His loving Hand. We walk together, for we follow Him. And it is He Who makes the ending sure, and guarantees a safe returning home.
Love with passion
Dance in the light
Nanette Victoria
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