Daily light meditation
Never give any wiggle room for the ego to build a story around a person, place or thing. When a disturbance seems to appear, ask God to be with you right away. Become aware of God's Presence and enter into the Divine Truth of the situation. It is God's light that shines into the darkness of the self made ego. It is only God's light that dispels it. Stop story building around everything and rest in Heavens Home that is alive on the inside!
A Course in Miracles
Let every voice but God’s be still in me.
1. Father, today I would but hear Your Voice. In deepest silence I would come to You, to hear Your Voice and to receive Your Word. I have no prayer but this: I come to You to ask You for the truth. And truth is but Your Will, which I would share with You today.
2. Today we let no ego thoughts direct our words or actions. When such thoughts occur, we quietly step back and look at them, and then we let them go. We do not want what they would bring with them. And so we do not choose to keep them. They are silent now. And in the stillness, hallowed by His Love, God speaks to us and tells us of our will, as we have chosen to remember Him.
Love with passion
Forgive to be forgiven
Prayer and meditation
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Prayer and meditation~
Youtube~Ecstatic Dance
youtube~Meditation~STEP 11
youtube~Sacred silence