Weekly meditation for contemplation
Recorded to YOUTUBE
Humility is simply being right sized with God/Higher Power. My favorite metaphor is the Divine Ocean of God has millions of ripples moving in it's graceful dance of Unity. Each ripple is unique and yet connected to all the other ripples by the Ocean it self. The vital point is that the ripples are NOT the Ocean. 
Each ripple is the expression of it's Source. 
Humility is a vital spiritual principle that keeps us remembering we are "being" moved in a Divine flow of love.
Let go-let God!
A Course in Miracles

Of your ego you can do nothing to save yourself or others, but of your spirit you can do everything for the salvation of both. ²Humility is a lesson for the ego, not for the spirit. ³Spirit is beyond humility, because it recognizes its radiance and gladly sheds its light everywhere. ⁴The meek shall inherit the earth because their egos are humble, and this gives them truer perception. (ACIM, T-4.I.12:1-4)

Material from A Course in Miracles is used with permission by the copyright holder and publisher, the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd-306 Novato, CA 94949, https://www.acim.org and info@acim.org, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007.”

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Love with passion
Forgive to be forgiven