Sunday, June 18, 2017

Let Yahweh be Yahweh

Daily light~Until we admit full defeat we will always experience being defeated. Why? Simple, when we play God we loose. Simple solution let God be God, and let God~Son~Holy Spirit be revealed personally in your experience. Stop~be still~rest in the arrival of what always was and "IS".

Ecclesiasticus / Sirach - Chapter 18

4 He has given no one the power to proclaim his works to the end, and who can fathom his magnificent deeds?
5 Who can assess his magnificent strength, and who can go further and tell all of his mercies?
6 Nothing can be added to them, nothing subtracted, it is impossible to fathom the marvels of the Lord.
7 When someone finishes he is only beginning, and when he stops he is as puzzled as ever.
8 What is a human being, what purpose does he serve? What is good and what is bad for him?
9 The length of his life: a hundred years at most.
10 Like a drop of water from the sea, or a grain of sand, such are these few years compared with eternity.
11 This is why the Lord is patient with them and pours out his mercy on them.

Love with passion
Dance in the light
Nanette Victoria
Contact today

Friday, June 2, 2017

We are equal

All power is in God not human strength. Our natural existence was fashioned that we may lean solely on God's power that would organically flow through us and direct every area of our life. Our original goodness is to cause us to walk in union with each other. In pure love there is not higher degrees of persons. When we see with the true vision of Christ we are serving one God who loves us equally. No one is more important than the next. We are all extremely important to God for we have each been brought into existence and called by name to join in this tapestry of life. Glory is God's!
Romans 12:3 (amplified B)
For by the grace (unmerited favor of God) given to me I warn everyone among you not to estimate and think of himself more highly than he ought [not to have an exaggerated opinion of his own importance], but to rate his ability with sober judgment, each according to the degree of faith apportioned by God to him.

Love with passion
Dance in the light
Nanette Victoria
Contact today

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