Saturday, December 13, 2014

Healing from being addicted in

There is a season for everything in our lives. We will have all different types of relationships from professional to personal, and each of them shall have there own season. A well adjusted mature Healthy mind accepts when a relationship may come to an end and can gently release the person without any strife. However the addict mind suffers from a whole other dis-ease, and one in which is based in self centered fear. This is one in which the person holds in there mind a constant obsession of the person leaving the relationship and keeps them as a hostage (a prisoner within the mind). The addicted one may feel the uncontrollable desire to keep contacting that person, or even worse get addicted to social media in order to see what the other person is doing. Social media can be a feeding frenzy for the ego. This becomes a Spiritual violation of boundaries to the other person who has moved on from the relationship. The ego dynamics of addiction, is the person always thinks everything is about them and looses sight of the other people they are affecting. We can see this ego dynamic occur all around us, and it is indeed the same addicted process as being addicted to alcohol, or drugs, of another insane substitute.  The Good News is there is a solution and a way out of this awful prison. The first step is the admission that there is a problem, without the honesty of seeing there is something wrong healing will be impossible. There are many paths one can use to heal from addictions, however the only one I have known to actually work is a 12 step process (it is flawless) . I share this information today because many may suffer from addictions (obsessive compulsive disordersof many kinds. There can be total and complete relief, if there is total and complete honesty and taking responsibility for the dis-ease. We can be free from the bondage of self. God Wills us to have a happy healthy mind, so we can be of  greater service. 

The Twelve Steps 

1. We admitted we were powerless over "name the addiction" - that our lives had become unmanageable.
2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Choose freedom
Love with passion

Monday, December 1, 2014

Lord take the wheel

Lord take the wheel
Spiritual Coach/Intuitive Guide/Spiritual Minister
Phone consultations (or in person )Mon-Sat-732-775-0733

Dear Lord, please take the wheel, for our sense of direction knows not the way. Your way is the way, and now the journey is effortless for you will direct every step. To rest in God we become the best in God.
A Course in Miracles
Lesson 324
I merely follow, for I would not lead.
Father, You are the One Who gave the plan for my salvation to me. You have set the way I am to go, the role to take, and every step in my appointed path. I cannot lose the way. I can but choose to wander off a while, and then return. Your loving Voice will always call me back, and guide my feet aright. My brothers all can follow in the way I lead them. Yet I merely follow in the way to You, as You direct me and would have me go.
So let us follow One Who knows the way. We need not tarry, and we cannot stray except an instant from His loving Hand. We walk together, for we follow Him. And it is He Who makes the ending sure, and guarantees a safe returning home.

Love with passion
Dance in the light

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The way of Spirit
Spiritual Coach/Intuitive Guide/Spiritual Minister
Phone consultations (or in person )Mon-Sat-732-775-0733

The way is simple, the way is effortless, the way is get out of the way. Our thinking mind is illusion, and thank God for that. The Spirit of God leads the way, and when we fully concede to our inner most self this is true, the Holy instant of release is the result. Only God's plan will work.

Lesson 317
I follow in the way appointed me.
I have a special place to fill; a role for me alone. Salvation waits until I take this part as what I choose to do. Until I make this choice, I am the slave of time and human destiny. But when I willingly and gladly go the way my Father's plan appointed me to go, then will I recognize salvation is already here, already given all my brothers and already mine as well.
Father, Your way is what I choose today. Where it would lead me do I choose to go; what it would have me do I choose to do. Your way is certain, and the end secure. The memory of You awaits me there. And all my sorrows end in Your embrace, which You have promised to Your Son, who thought mistakenly that he had wandered from the sure protection of Your loving Arms.

Love with passion
Dance in the light

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The joy of letting go
Spiritual Coach/Intuitive Guide/Spiritual Minister
Phone consultations (or in person )Mon-Sat-732-775-0733

 Letting go of the concept of special relationships is the key to Spiritual experience. As soon as we attempt to have fantasies that we would be better some how if only we had the right man, or woman as a partner, things might be easier. This indeed is far from truth. What God ordains, God up holds. Holy Relationships are built by God, from God, and not our ego illusions that conger and manipulate what we think we need and want. When we have Spiritual discernment we can see the true from the false. Holy connections are built in the realm of Spirit and manifest in the world by God's Grace, surely nothing we do, accept may be stay out of the way. All life remains in Spirit. All focus must remain in Spiritual truth.

Isaiah 26:3Amplified Bible (AMP)- You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.

The Bridge to the Real World
The search for the special relationship is the sign that you equate yourself with the ego and not with God. For the special relationship has value only to the ego. To the ego, unless a relationship has special value it has no meaning, for it perceives all love as special. Yet this cannot be natural, for it is unlike the relationship of God and His Son, and all relationships that are unlike this one must be unnatural. For God created love as He would have it be, and gave it as it is. Love has no meaning except as its Creator defined it by His Will. It is impossible to define it otherwise and understand it.
Love is freedom. To look for it by placing yourself in bondage is to separate yourself from it. For the Love of God, no longer seek for union in separation, nor for freedom in bondage! As you release, so will you be released. Forget this not, or Love will be unable to find you and comfort you.

Transform through Spiritual Coaching
Spiritual growth and development is transforming from the inside out. Our magnificent light is meant to shine. Through Spiritual Coaching we reach our potential and focus on the solutions, not the problem. We learn HOW to break free of limiting beliefs Now! We are meant to live as God would have us be, happy, joyous and free.

Love with passion
Dance in the light

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Courage to change now

Courage to change now
Spiritual Coach/Intuitive Guide/Spiritual Minister
Phone consultations (or in person )Mon-Sat-732-775-0733
God is everything now and always. There is but one problem and one solution, and until we can be 100% honest and accountable for our mistakes, we will remain bound by the ego's dream. Our mistakes cannot be undone until we admit our powerlessness over the human condition (with out guilt, we simple look and not judge our part, but only desire correction). As we get humble and ask for correction the blocks are dissolved. We cannot just cover up things and say it is ok and forgotten. We will have to take certain steps (actions). Take ownership of what the interference is (identify the block-addictions, anger, fear-etc, all of it is a result of self centered fears, and not relying in God). As God's light magnifies in us, the dark imaginings will in fact surface, stop look directly into the beast, which is a puny powerless illusion (ego dreams). When we can see our self centered ego dreams and confess it, we can be free, for we have brought the dark imaginings to the LIGHT!
Ephesians 2:2-3-4 Amplified Bible (AMP)
2 And you [He made alive], when you were dead (slain) by [your] trespasses and sins
2 In which at one time you walked [habitually]. You were following the course and fashion of this world [were under the sway of the tendency of this present age], following the prince of the power of the air. [You were obedient to and under the control of] the [demon] spirit that still constantly works in the sons of disobedience [the careless, the rebellious, and the unbelieving, who go against the purposes of God].
3 Among these we as well as you once lived and conducted ourselves in the passions of our flesh [our behavior governed by our corrupt and sensual nature], obeying the impulses of the flesh and the thoughts of the mind [our cravings dictated by our senses and our dark imaginings].We were then by nature children of [God’s] wrath and heirs of [His] indignation, like the rest of mankind.
4 But God—so rich is He in His mercy! Because of and in order to satisfy the great and wonderful and intense love with which He loved us,
Lesson 298
I love You, Father, and I love Your Son.
My gratitude permits my love to be accepted without fear. And thus am I restored to my reality at last. All that intruded on my holy sight forgiveness takes away. And I draw near the end of senseless journeys, mad careers and artificial values. I accept instead what God establishes as mine, sure that in that alone I will be saved; sure that I go through fear to meet my Love.
Father, I come to You today, because I would not follow any way but Yours. You are beside me. Certain is Your way. And I am grateful for Your holy gifts of certain sanctuary, and escape from everything that would obscure my love for God my Father and His holy Son.
Love with passion
Dance in the light

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Living in Spirituality

Living in Spirituality
Spiritual Coach/Intuitive Guide/Spiritual Minister
Phone consultations (or in person )Mon-Sat-732-775-0733
To live a full life in Spirituality is to live according to Spiritual laws that are in Spiritual realms. The carnal mind is based on the five senses. The Spiritual Mind is out side of the carnal mind entirely (part of a vital sixth sense). As we develop our Spiritual life through prayer, meditation and Spiritual readings (in practice and action), we develop Spiritual understanding and we open up to the Spiritual experience, which leads to God consciousness. Spiritual life is a one day at a time practice, and we cannot live off of yesterdays practice, we must seek each day a fresh and new Spiritual experience. Remain willing, open, and honest. 
Romans 8:5,6,7
For those who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on and pursue those things which gratify the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit and are controlled by the desires of the Spirit set their minds on and seek those things which gratify the [Holy] Spirit.
Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever].
[That is] because the mind of the flesh [with its carnal thoughts and purposes] is hostile to God, for it does not submit itself to God’s Law; indeed it cannot.
Transform through Spiritual Coaching
Spiritual growth and development is transforming from the inside out. Our magnificent light is meant to shine. Through Spiritual Coaching we reach our potential and focus on the solutions, not the 
problem. We learn HOW to break free of limiting beliefs Now! We are meant to live as God would have us be, happy, joyous and free.
Love with passion
Dance in the light

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The number one offender
Spiritual Coach/Intuitive Guide/Spiritual Minister
Phone consultations (or in person )Mon-Sat-732-775-0733

Resentments are the number one offender to our Spiritual life. Until we are fully capable of being HONEST and responsible of the dream of resentments we made, we will be slave to the ego (prince of darkness). The result of holding on to our need to be right will only lead to emotional out bursts. The pain body gets off on this! The solution is do the Spiritual work, and be willing to be willing, TO CHANGE! Willingness is the key, and GOD'S Holy Spirit works in us to do the change (we cannot change our self, by our self). Resentments cause isolation and separation from others. Real Spiritual life is when we are at PEACE with ALL people (not just a few). So what will it be? Our choice, our dream!

14 For if you forgive people their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], your heavenly Father will also forgive you. (Matthew chapt 6, verses 14)

Love with passion
Dance in the light
Transform through Spiritual Coaching
Spiritual growth and development is transforming from the inside out. Our magnificent light is meant to shine. Through Spiritual Coaching we reach our potential. We learn HOW to break free of limiting beliefs Now! We are meant to live as God would have us be, happy, joyous

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Look in the mirror

Look in the mirror
Spiritual Coach/Intuitive Guide/Spiritual Minister
Phone consultations (or in person )Mon-Sat-732-775-0733

It is sad towards the end of the physical life if we look back and seem to see ourselves as a victim of circumstance. In truth nothing can make us do anything or feel anything with out our consent to do so. We can be addicted to alcohol, drugs, bad relationships, depression, spending money we do not have and on it goes. Until we look at the real issue and get honest we cannot get free. The real issue is always the lie that we can create a separate self and run the show and be happy. Like the prodigal Son he awoke to Him self and realized what he did, and ran Home to the Father. In Revelations Jesus (Rv.3:20) says that He stands at the door and knocks, waiting for us to open it if we choose. It is our free will, and Jesus does not bang down the door. Once we can admit our false nature and embrace the fact we are powerless over it, we have begun to be willing to change.

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” 
― Socrates

Love with passion
Dance in the Light

Friday, October 3, 2014

Many gifts

Many gifts
Spiritual Coach/Intuitive Guide/Spiritual Minister
Phone consultations (or in person )Mon-Sat-732-775-0733
Many gifts we have been given, and some we may have not known, as of yet. The Kingdom within is filled with infinite treasures (nothing is lacking). And still there is something greater, and higher "love".
Corinthians 1 12:31
31 But earnestly desire and zealously cultivate the greatest and best gifts and graces (the higher gifts and the choicest graces). And yet I will show you a still more excellent way [one that is better by far and the highest of them all—love].

Love with Passion
Dance in the light

Transform through Spiritual Coaching
Spiritual growth and development is transforming from the inside out. Our magnificent light is meant to shine. Through Spiritual Coaching we reach our potential. We learn HOW to break free of limiting beliefs Now! We are meant to live as God would have us be, happy, joyous and free.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

We are One

We are One
Spiritual Coach/Intuitive Guide/Spiritual Minister
Phone consultations (or in person )Mon-Sat-732-775-0733

 Let us look upon all our Brothers and Sisters as Holy healed and complete. There is no lack in God and none in any of us. All life is in the Spirit, which is the truth of what real vision is. Look upon the Holy truth within everyone today. Offer the gift of freedom. The freedom to experience perfect love.

Lesson 269
My sight goes forth to look upon Christ's face.
I ask Your blessing on my sight today. It is the means which You have chosen to become the way to show me my mistakes, and look beyond them. It is given me to find a new perception through the Guide You gave to me, and through His lessons to surpass perception and return to truth. I ask for the illusion which transcends all those I made. Today I choose to see a world forgiven, in which everyone shows me the face of Christ, and teaches me that what I look upon belongs to me; that nothing is, except Your holy Son.
Today our sight is blessed indeed. We share one vision, as we look upon the face of Him Whose Self is ours. We are one because of Him Who is the Son of God; of Him Who is our own Identity.

With love and light

Transform through Spiritual Coaching
Spiritual growth and development is transforming from the inside out. Our magnificent light is meant to shine. Through Spiritual Coaching we reach our potential. We learn HOW to break free of limiting beliefs Now! We are meant to live as God would have us be, happy, joyous and free.page687image11480page687image11904

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

True vision

True vision
Spiritual Coach/Intuitive Guide/Spiritual Minister
Phone consultations (or in person )Mon-Sat-732-775-0733
Let us not distort True vision by laying our own mis perceptions and interpretations on people, places, and things. Change our mind and the World changes. The Miracle is the shift from what was darkness to what is "Light". God is Light. God is Love. God is Truth. God is Spirit!
A Course is Miracles
Lesson 268
Let all things be exactly as they are.
Let me not be Your critic, Lord, today, and judge against You. Let me not attempt to interfere with Your creation, and distort it into sickly forms. Let me be willing to withdraw my wishes from its unity, and thus to let it be as You created it. For thus will I be able, too, to recognize my Self as You created me. In love was I created, and in love will I remain forever. What can frighten me, when I let all things be exactly as they are?
Let not our sight be blasphemous today, nor let our ears attend to lying tongues. Only reality is free of pain. Only reality is free of loss. Only reality is wholly safe. And it is only this we seek today.
Dance in the "Light"
With love and light

Transform through Spiritual Coaching
Spiritual growth and development is transforming from the inside out. Our magnificent light is meant to shine. Through Spiritual Coaching we reach our potential. We learn HOW to break free of limiting beliefs Now! We are meant to live as God would have us be, happy, joyous and free.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Raise the vibration

With love and light

Transform through Spiritual Coaching
Spiritual growth and development is transforming from the inside out. Our magnificent light is meant to shine. Through Spiritual Coaching we reach our potential. We learn HOW to break free of limiting beliefs Now! We are meant to live as God would have us be, happy, joyous and free.

"Raise the vibration"
How is our energy today? Are we experiencing the Joy of the Lord today? Are we excited to express love to up lift others? Are we being the vessel God will use today for maximal purpose and service? Or did we wake up over thinking a problem? Did a former partner come back and say something that seemed to wreck the whole day? Did a Family member call and cross over a boundary we swore we would honor? Well, good news! Start over and choose again. Choose God, and joy is the result. Choose ego, and it is a disaster, because it is consumed in self centeredness. We do not have to let anything or anyone interfere with the Joy God placed in our Hearts. We have the Power to move the mountain because God gave us the power by His love and Grace. Jesus tells us that if we have Faith the size of a mustard seed, we can tell the mountain to move from here to there and it will. That mountain He was talking about is the mountain of problems we seem to run into. Remember, don't tell God our problem, tell our problem about God. Raise the vibration of the World by living in the Power of Resurrection, "Christ consciousness".

Love with passion, Dance in freedom, Nanette-

Spiritual Power

Transform through Spiritual Coaching
Spiritual growth and development is transforming from the inside out. Our magnificent light is meant to shine. Through Spiritual Coaching we reach our potential. We learn HOW to break free of limiting beliefs Now! We are meant to live as God would have us be, happy, joyous and free.

"Spiritual Power"
Spiritual Power is gifted by God. The infinite Power of God's love in us is far beyond human comprehension. This can only be through a Spiritual experience that we know such truth. When we fully live in the Spirit, than the things of this world, and the human behaviors that appear in this material realm have no real meaning and no power over us. This does not mean we do not speak up for ourselves when it is appropriate to do so (with love, not attack). What it does mean is that we are no longer disturbed, emotionally, or mentally. We are free only when we live in the Spirit, and true love, is indeed the Spirit of Love.
Wear this World like a loose garment, seek not to take it too serious. We are powerless over what people say and do, and the events that may occur. We are powerful when we rest in God's Love and leave what we are powerless over to Him. Let go, be HAPPY!
Corinthians 1:13-4-5
Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.
It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].
Love with passion